Our bonding department is one of the largest in the State of Arizona. We have an appointment with an A++ Bonding Company. This means you will never lose your bond because the surety company goes out of business. Because they are national, the bonding company can follow you to any state requiring a license bond. We have rapid issue bonds. Which means you can pay and pick up your bond at the same time. No waiting! We send renewals to remind you to renew your license and bond every two years. We offer almost every bond issued in the construction industry including bid, performance, payment and fidelity. The important part of the bond is the Indemnity Agreement (or the fine print). This represents some of the contract you make with the bonding company when you buy the bond. Ours DOES NOT, as many do, require the contractor to remit up to 125% of the bond amount if the company is being litigated and BEFORE guilt is established or judgment issued.
We have worked hard to keep our prices low and our approval process requirements simple. Unlike most bond agencies, we have "rapid" issue bonds. This means that any bond $15,000 or less can be issued the same day with no credit or financial evaluation. Our prices are set at every level and will not be adjusted on credit.
What is a Bond?
A bond is a line of credit in the form of a guarantee. A residential contractor license bond guarantees you will complete a job according to the contract, pay your suppliers and subcontractors. A commercial contractor license bond guarantees that you will complete the job to code. Finally, a contractor tax bond guarantees that you will file and pay your Arizona State taxes to the Department of Revenue in a timely fashion.