STUDY COURSES Online Studies - Study Anywhere. Anytime. Any Device.




Trade Study Course The Contractor Trade Study Course gives you what you need to pass the exam. You will be allowed to review the correct answers to the questions you missed, get your percentage, how much time you took to complete the pretest and code references. ONLINE & In Office Courses Available Book rentals available for $5 in office the day before scheduled state test. Average study time to pass: 8-12 hours






Business Management Study Course Study course for the Arizona Contractor Business Management test required by the Arizona Registrar of Contractors. Course is comprised of practice tests covering all areas on the state administered test. Practice tests provide: time to complete test, number of questions answered correctly, review of incorrect questions (when missed & at the end of the test), code book references. ONLINE & In Office Courses Available Average study time to pass: 8-12 hours